![]() 2020. What. A Year. Kudos to those of you who've managed to keep up with your long term fitness goals for the year - I'm sure it hasn't been easy! Mentally, I had to take a break from running starting in June. My mindset wasn't right for running in the Tampa heat and humidity - there wasn't an ounce of enjoyment, even during "easy" runs. So I had to find an alternative to still get some cardio in. In May, I found out about Crossrope and began using their four jump ropes from the Get Fit bundle (use code STEPHB50 to save $50 on yours!). The Get Fit bundle comes with two sets of handles and jump ropes weighing 1/4lb, 1/2lb, 1lb and 2lb. From May to July I just did my own thing with the jump ropes. I'd take them out and do something easy like 500 SU (single unders) alternating between different ropes. Nothing crazy. Then in July, I downloaded the Crossrope app. It is a GAMER CHANGER! ![]() Reasons why I love the app:
After a few killer 16 minute workouts, I found out about the 21 day Jump Rope Intensity Challenge. This challenge went live on August 2nd (this will be available for lite users until November!) and I began the challenge on August 3rd. Even if you don't have the Get Fit bundle (or a Crossrope jump rope in general), you can still totally download the app and try the challenge. But I can guarantee you will not get the same burn you would from using the 2lb jump rope mixed with push-ups!! CROSSROPE JUMP ROPE INTENSITY CHALLENGE - WHY DID I DO ITMore than anything, I wanted to do this challenge to prove to myself I could do this for 21 days. I also wanted to become better with the jump ropes while also getting in some cardio / strength training. This challenge will definitely make you look and feel stronger by the end. I was in pretty good shape before this challenge started and I gained three pounds over the course of the 21 days with minimal changes to my diet and other activity and I'm convinced this was leg and arm muscle! So if you're looking to tone up, I highly recommend taking on this challenge! I can also see this challenge helping with weight loss, too, if you're trying to get into shape and start a fitness routine. CROSSROPE Jump Rope Intensity Challenge - WHAT TO EXPECT![]() I didn't really jump rope much before this challenge so I started out this challenge only being able to do the basic jump and super slow alternating jumps. By the end of this challenge, I was able to do a pretty decent crossover and quick alternating jumps without pausing or extra jumps in between - this was a win in my book! Most days you will have jump rope mixed with different body weight moves. Other days, you'll just have jump rope intervals. And thankfully they threw in some days with the 1/4lb rope and a solid block of stretching. I'm horrible when it comes to stretching, so I must admit, those were my favorite days! You'll also notice the workouts tend to get longer as the challenge progresses and have more challenging jumps as the challenge progresses. If you still can't do a certain jump (like double unders), substitute for something else that's challenging for you. For me, I substituted double unders with crossovers. It was still a great workout! Most importantly, be ready to have some challenging days where you may not want to jump rope. Maybe you had a long day at work or spent the weekend at the beach and have no energy. I had days where I didn't want to get the workout in. But I would remind myself how great it would be at the end to say I did this for 21 days and stuck with it. I also reminded myself how short the workouts were. Most of the workouts were between 16 min and 24 min including the rest intervals - not long at all! It's totally doable and I'm so happy I stuck with it! CROSSROPE JUMP ROPE INTENSITY CHALLENGE - WHERE TO JUMP ROPE![]() The best part about jump rope workouts - you can do them almost anywhere! You can bring them to the park, the beach, a parking lot, the gym or even jump rope inside your house. The possibilities are endless and I made sure to take advantage of some of the awesome spots at my apartment complex - including the mini beach we have! If you're planning on jumping on a hard surface - like concrete - I'd recommend getting a mat. Not only will this help increase the life of your ropes, but it will also help to add some cushion for all of the jumps you're doing and prevent shin splints. CROSSROPE JUMP ROPE INTENSITY CHALLENGE - Important Things To know![]() Limit your time spent jumping on a hard surface, like concrete. I was definitely feeling it around day 17 after most of my days were spent jumping on the sidewalk and patio blocks. In hindsight, I wish I spent more time doing the workouts at the beach or on the grass. I used compression socks for a couple of workouts at the end of the challenge to help get me through them with minimal pain, but I can't stress enough the importance of making sure you are not jumping on hard surfaces! Shoes also make a difference! I rotated between my On Cloudsurfers and On Cloudstratus. The main reason I chose these shoes was for the cushion they provided. The Cloudsurfers provided a nice bounce when I landed so the hard surfaces didn't feel too terrible. If you want to know more about my experience wearing On, please reach out! I wish I spent some time before the challenge working on some of the jumps, like the alternating foot jump, crossovers and double unders. It was hard to find the motivation during the challenge to spend extra time practicing the harder moves. Take some progress pics / videos at certain points - I'd recommend before the challenge, on day 7, on day 14 and day 21. This will be an awesome way to see the impact the challenge has had on you! I also wish I planned time to do the workouts at a specific time every day. There were some days I ended up doing the workouts at 10pm and it was miserable - I wish I set aside time every morning to get the workouts out of the way so I could enjoy the rest of the day without thinking about it. There are some lighter days as part of the challenge to give you a rest - these were enough for me to feel like I had a break and could continue on the next day! If you're going to binge on junk food... wait until after you do your workout for the day. I had a lot of junk food one night before a workout with a bunch of burpees and that was not a pleasant experience... I 100% recommend thIS CHALLENGE - ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE NEW TO THE JUMP ROPE WORLD!I really enjoyed this challenge and I'm looking forward to Crossrope's next challenge in September! Get in on the action by downloading the app today from the app store and buying your Get Fit bundle - STEPHB50 can be used for $50 off this bundle when you purchase from the Crossrope site!
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January 2022
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